Who We Are...

A mother & daughter's account of tried and 'tasted' recipes made super simple using easy measurements.

We love to share these recipes with you so please do let us know if you try any of them by commenting on the recipe post!

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Eton Mess

Eton Mess


* Meringues (see recipe for meringues) 
* Double Cream
* Mixed Berries


1. Whip the cream
2. Mix the berries into the cream, don't let too much berry juice go into the cream or it will turn pink. Lightly fold in the broken up meringues
3. That's it! Serve in a glass and add fruit or sprinkles to the top

Extra Tips:

* If you won't be eating this all at once and want to save some. Don't add the meringues to the cream or the meringues will go soggy and disintegrate. keep separate and add last minute when you next serve. 

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