Who We Are...

A mother & daughter's account of tried and 'tasted' recipes made super simple using easy measurements.

We love to share these recipes with you so please do let us know if you try any of them by commenting on the recipe post!

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Chucky Egg

Chucky Eggs

* 2 Large boiled eggs
* 2 slices of toasted bread with butter on, cut into slices or 'soldiers' as they are sometimes referred to.


1. Boil water in a pan and then carefully insert the eggs in their shells.
2. Boil for approx 3 and a half minutes. To check they are cooked through remove an egg with a spoon and  gentle blow on the shell, the water will immediately evaporate if cooked. If this evaporation process is slow  return to the pan for a little longer.
3. Take the eggs and remove the shell from them, hold in a cloth as they will be very hot.
4. Break the eggs together in a small dish or cup, surround with the soldiers to dip into the lovely cooked  eggs.

* Add a small amount of butter to melt in with the eggs if so desired and maybe a sprinkling of salt.

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