Who We Are...

A mother & daughter's account of tried and 'tasted' recipes made super simple using easy measurements.

We love to share these recipes with you so please do let us know if you try any of them by commenting on the recipe post!

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Spicy Tomato soup

Spicy Tomato Soup


* 10 tomatoes
1 red pepper 
* 1 garlic clove 
* cayenne pepper / chilli pepper
* salt and pepper to season
* 2 table spoons butter
* vegetable stock cube
* tomatoe pure


1. Melt the butter with the garlic and chilli. 
2. Add the chopped tomatoes and diced red pepper and cook on medium heat for around six minutes until they have softened. 
3. Add the stock that has been melted in half pint boiling water. 
4. add tomato pure to thicken and simmer with the pan lid on for about 10 minutes stirring occasionally. 
5. Use a hand blender to bend until all the bits have blended and you have a smooth soup. 
Extra Tips:

* Can add cream on top or sprinkle  basil. 
* can also add carrot and/or celery to the soup for more flavour.  

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