Who We Are...

A mother & daughter's account of tried and 'tasted' recipes made super simple using easy measurements.

We love to share these recipes with you so please do let us know if you try any of them by commenting on the recipe post!

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Spaghetti Carbonara

Spaghetti Carbonara


* 1 egg, beaten
* small handful spaghetti
* handful plum tomatoes
* 5 rashers bacon, diced
* handful baby mushrooms, quartered
* 1 onion, diced
* 1 clove garlic, chopped
* cheese to top.


1. boil water in a large pan with some salt, add the pasta when it starts to boil
2. With olive oil, fry the onion and garlic, add the diced bacon and when that is cooked, add the mushrooms and keep on a low heat
3. when the pasta is cooked, drain the water and keep the pasta in the pan, add the fried ingredients and mix well to evenly distribute
4. keeping the pan on a medium heat add the egg quickly and continuously mix the pasta with two pasta forks or tongues to evently distribute the egg 
5. When the egg is completely cooked over the pasta, serve with a little cheese on top

Extra Tips:

* once the egg is in the pan, constantly stir or it will cook and stick to the bottom of the pan

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